Wednesday, March 31, 2010

April Showers....

It seems like we finally get a week with no rain and April comes along and the forecast for the first day is RAIN! This weekend is easter weekend and RAIN. I love the gorgeous sunny sit outside for lunch and listen to music weather Austin has been having this past week but I have a feeling more and more rain is in our future.

On a different note: Please pray for my sweet mother. She had foot surgery about 3 weeks ago and now has a horrible infection in her foot. She has been stuck on bed-rest since the surgery and finds out today if the are going to have to admit her into the hospital for a few days. I know the last place she will want to be Easter Sunday is in a hospital bed. So please keep her in your prayers this afternoon.

Either way Jeffy and I will be Houston bound on Saturday to spend Easter with my family and also to just have a relaxing Saturday evening at home. I'm such a homebody at times. I swear sometimes I could spend a whole week just hanging out at home and never leaving and being perfectly content. Just cooking meals, sitting outside on the patio and enjoying the breeze is always calming in the chaotic world. Especially now with Cooper. Have you heard about Cooper yet??!? Cooper is my new 3month old Toy Maltipoo. We got him 2 months ago and I am absolutely in love with him. He has the best personality and can be the sweetest snuggle bug. I have separation anxiety from him on a daily basis. I have yet to spend a night with out him. I can tell you now its going to be worse when I have my own kids....EEEK! I will never want to leave their side.

My friend Kelly and I always have date night on Thursdays. We do dinner, movies, drinks, just catch up time and an excuse to have a glass of wine. This Thursday as a joke kind of on ourselves were going to a Hip Hop class. Ha this will be something so fun and different I'm quite excited. I love trying new things in Austin especially since there are soooooooo many great things to do in this City.

Anyways that's all for now blog world. Hope everyone is having a good hump day.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I will be like a little kid waiting for Christmas for the next 3 months! We are going to Disney World in June! The trip has been in the process for a month or 2 but i finally booked our tickets (Jeffy and I) yesterday and now I can hardly contain myself. My family including my nephews who have never been, the Caminiti family, Jeff and and maybe Jeff's niece Elizabeth are all going. One big vaca and I cannot wait. I LOVE Disney World. I have been at least a dozen times and it never gets old for me. Jeff has never been so I'm very excited to get to go with him his first time. We got the great idea to bring along his niece since the boys are going and she's never been. She's a doll and very easy so it won't be a hassle at all.

I am beyond looking forward to this. For the past year I have needed a vaca but just haven't had the time or energy for it. It helps that my parents are covering some of the bill so we can all go as a family. They are all driving. NO WAY. 8 people on that long of a road trip is too much for me and I think Jeff might end things with me before we made it to Disney, so we are flying. I don;t mind spending the money, I LOVE flying!

The last 2 times I went were in high school for dance team so it will be nice to have more freedom and time to explore this go round. Plus my mom just had foot surgery and I feel certain she wont be up to walking around all day on her feet so We are thinking of adding a wheelchair to her bottom while in the parks....which also means NO LINES! 

OK OK back to work just had to share the excitement and post a positive blog for once.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


You walked with me

Footprints in the sand

And helped me understand

Where I'm going

You walked with me

When I was all alone

With so much unknown

Along the way

And just when I

I Thought I'd lost my way

You gave me strength to carry on

That's when I heard you say

I promise you
I'm always there
When your heart is filled with sorrow
And despair

And I'll carry you
When you need a friend
You'll find my footprints in the sand
When I'm weary
Well I know you'll be there
Cause I can feel you
When you say

I promise you
I'm always there 

Friday, March 12, 2010


Sometimes when bored I do what everyone dose but won't admit and I facebook stalk. I still don't consider myself lucky sometimes because of loosing someone so close to me. I see peoples profiles that say they are blessed and so happy with their life and I couldn't imagine a day where I would feel the same way without bestest here. 

Then I got to thinking... It's not what you don't have it's what you DO have that makes you life blessed. I have a amazing family that loves me for everything I am and everything I'm trying to be. I have learned the past 6 month who my true and wonderful friends are and been graced with their shoulders to cry on and hands to hold. I have a great job with co-workers that teach me something new every single day and allows me to not rely on my parents for money at all anymore. An oh so patient boyfriend who has stuck by my side through my emotional roller coaster this past year. I have health, great genes, a car, a roof, and a new little puppy that I just can't get enough of.

I can't help but to think bestest had a part of this, but I also know my attitude and perspective had a lot to do with it. After bestest died I felt like everything was going down hill in my life. I couldn't find a job, I was on an emotional roller coaster and couldn't see the end. I felt like everyone around me was living their life. My roommate was getting vacations handed to her left and right to get her mind off things and I felt like no one really understood how I was feeling. I come from a family of there is time to heal then there is life and you have to move on.

Then I changed myself. I realized that in order to be happy again I was the only who could do that. I thought about bestest and exactly what she would've wanted. She worked so hard for her job and her happiness and that's what I was going to do. If I could hear her she would say "get over it. get up get a job. stop crying and be happy for what you have." and the one quote she ALWAYS told me when I would come to her for advice. "if your happy then I'm happy for you reese." I was reading through an old journal and I had written that quote down with her name and it just clicked in my head.... so I changed my life. I did what I needed to do to be happy again. If I'm happy then she's happy for me. And as the title of this blog. I'm bringing myself back to life.

As you might be able to tell this blog will be a little roller coaster too. You just never know....I just never know.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Dr. Seuss

Who knew Dr. Seuss had so many WONDERFUL quotes. My top 5 ((well 6 if you count the picture)) favorites from his children's books.

- Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you.

- You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself, any direction you choose.

- Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So... get on your way.

- And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed.

- Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.
When I graduated form High School a friend of my amazing mother gave me this book:

And I must say to this day it is one of my favorite books. If you have never read it, or it has been a few years, pick it up and sit down for 20 minutes. I think you might be amazed at the simplicity of the words yet the meaning of the message.

Monday, March 8, 2010


"People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that’s what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life. A true soul mate is probably the most important person you’ll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. A soul mates purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so out of control that you have to transform your life…"

—Elizabeth Gilbert