Monday, February 8, 2010


This past weekend was a little on the crazy busy side with birthday dinners, errands, and superbowl activities. It's weekends like this when I am so caught up in everything life is throwing my direction I think of bestest the most. I think of her when I'm alone and bored sometimes, but it's when life is going on right in front of my eyes that I miss her the most. When I get stressed or excited or just need to hear a familiar voice, that's when she came in. And when everything is flashing before my eyes I think of her and what she would tell me and how she would handle certain situations. She is such amazing woman inside and out. God knows she was my backbone. I tend to be a pushover and think that everyone means well, in all honesty not all Friends are GREAT friends. Not all situations are what they seem to be. Bestest was always the one to point that out to me.

But I love that now I'm coming to a point where every time I think of her I don't cry or feel this numbness come over my body. I'm evolving back into myself and maybe even a better version knowing a part of her is pushing me everyday.

Count your blessings. Be thankful for everything and everyone in your life. Remember who you are. Forget the things or people who bring you down. Breath.

Very excited for what is to come this week. Bree (my bestest's older sister) comes in town for a few days on Tuesday and I am looking forward to spending some much needed dinner dates with her. She's getting married in October and I'm excited to hear how all the wedding planning is coming. Dad's #64 Birthday is the 10th. Family comes in town Saturday for the night, I love day dates with my family we have so much fun. Also I'm starting to think about what I want to give up for lent...It's always a long thought process for me. Upcoming:Valentines day, Holiday at work, Jeffy's #27.

Next post will be a change.

Hope everyone has a blessed week. Hope this rain stops sometimes in 2010.


Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I decided to do this after to talking to a friend today and dealing with somethings that I haven't been able to exactly cope with yet. They told me a blog would be a great way to express my feelings, share my thoughts, get some feedback, and just open up a little more about life. So here goes...

Let's go back to this summer. I graduated from college. A HUGE accomplishment and milestone in my life. Not to mention nerve racking and stressful to say the least. A week before graduation a good friend of mine passed away suddenly the night of his birthday. Not only is he an amazing friend and person he is also my roommates boyfriend. It's a very close group of friends we have here, so support was everywhere. The next month was spent with questions and anger and sadness.

Then one month to the date later my bestest ( I say bestest because we called each other bestest friends. We weren't just best friends, we were it has caught on) passed away suddenly while sleeping. She was living in Ohio working for the Cleavland Cavs and I hadn't seen her since Christmas break. I immediately jump on a plane with her family and flew to Ohio. It was bittersweet meeting her friends and seeing her new home with out her there. The rest of the summer was a blur. Life is still a blur. Bestest and I have known each other since the first day of 6th grade, 14 years, half of our lives. We traveled in different groups, had different friends and never lived more then 30 mins from each other. Through all of the changes in our lives and all of the growing we did we remained each others constant. Each others rock and backbone. I still believe with all of my heart we are still each others constant.

With in 30 days my life changed in more ways then it ever had. This is my documentation of starting over, starting fresh, and just the things I love about my city, my friends, my family, my life.