Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Crazy busy week last week followed by a crazy busy weekend and a crazy busy weekend to come!

First off I saw the always amazing Carrie Underwood last Wednesday with some girlfriends and as expected she was fabulous. 

She is such an amazing singer and performer. The picture above is not from the show (( I have yet to upload those)). But I must say her stylist for her tour needs to be fired! Her costumes were ridiculous, I think I may have only liked one and fell in love with none. She has her good days and bad days at events but for the most part she is very well put together. I just couldn't get over the the opening tuxedo and the huge quilt skirt. In the end though it was a GREAT show and a great night with friends.

This past weekend was baby showers and going away parties and this weekend will be baby showers and going away parties. It's funny to me how different some of my sets of friends are. One set there are girls moving away traveling to Vegas and living the single young life and celebrating. The other set are married and having babies and are 3rd grade teachers. Me, well I'm somewhere in between ready to have a family and not ready to give up my girls nights for baby duty just yet. Though at Saturdays baby shower I was head over heels for a little 3 month old boy who I would not share with anyone else. Jeffy, well poor thing just kinda tunes me out now when I start talking babies and marriage and family. 

Back to work now but leaving you with a new tune I'm loving. I stumbled upon this on Perezhilton today and can't get enough of it. I can see my roommate and I blasting this song while getting ready for a night on the town with hairbrush in hand as a mic.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Met Costume Institute Gala 2010

I must say I was disappointed this year. Those who took a chance went to far and those who I loved stayed simple. But then again I love the simple things. I only had 2 favorites this year and one might surprise you:

SJP looks amazing in her own Halston Heritage. Love Love Love all the looks form her line coming up in the new SATC2. The color, the hair, the fit, all is perfect with her.

Next up: Emma Watson

I am craving to have this dress in my closet! So simple yet so sophisticated yet daring. Though I think the slit in the front is a little to high for her age I LOVE it! I'm thinking of saving this picture for when I am in my wedding dress shopping stage....5 years from now. I'm not a ball gown type of girl at all, I like slim fit simple classic pieces that will never go out of style. Just add some trendy accessories and your in shape.