Monday, November 29, 2010

Back to the grind...

I'm usually really good about taking pictures and uploading them but lately I seem to keep forgetting I even own a camera. This is very annoying to me! Oh well I'm going to try my absolute hardest to be better and capturing little frozen moments in time.

Thanksgiving weekend was pretty amazing. Jeff and I headed to Waco Wednesday afternoon and what could've been an hour and a half drive was 3 hours. UHG that traffic was horrible. But we made it and spent the evening with my family. We took Christmas pictures and went to Rudy's BBQ for dinner. Obviously no one wanted to cook that night and BBQ just sounded delicious! The next day we all chipped in and got the Thanksgiving feast ready and were joined by my brother-in-laws sister Melanie and her man Peter. Never a dull moment or conversation at the dinner table when all of us are together. I really enjoy listening to my dads stories sometimes. Especially when we know that some of them are a little over exaggerated haha.

After lunch we got on the road back to Austin for the game and Jeff had to work. I was super excited to meet up with my oldest friend Lara who I had not seen in forever. She was in town with her husband and sister in laws family for the game and the two girls ran the turkey trot that morning. We met up and watched the game downtown. One little aggie girl on a street full of longhorns. It was so nice to get to catch up with her. It's very refreshing having a lifelong friend like her. It seems like no matter how long we go without having time to catch up we pick up like we had just talked yesterday. It's kinda the same way with our dad's they are defiantly 2 peas in pod and have this bond between them I don't even think I could explain if I tried.

Friday afternoon Jeff and I braved the crowds to see if there were any good deals for us. We did some damage but all in all got a few things we both really needed. We also got season 1 of  BigBangTheory. I love this show! It's still running but Jeff and needed to get caught up and we've already finished season 1. (I'm hoping he gets season 2 today while I'm hard at work). Friday night was low key. We stayed in, watched movies, hung out with the cooper and stayed warm. Last night though we went to dinner and a movie. Dinner was amazing, we went to Macaroni Grill which neither of us had been to in years. MMMMMMMMM sooooooo GOOD! The movie choice was hard, there are so many out right now that I'm dying to see. I also love going to the movies and would go every night if I could. We choose Fair Game and it was very entertaining. I suggest it to anyone who is into govn't/CIA/ conspiracy theory entertainment (which we both are). One thing I loved about the movie is that it kept my attention the whole time. I was super tired but was completely compelled to the movie.

So that was our Holiday weekend. Nothing to exciting or fancy. Just quality time spent with loved ones and a weekend full of thanks.

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