Monday, January 31, 2011


Ladies and Gentlemen take your seats. This may be a bit of a shock to most of you.....I'M RUNNING A MARATHON! June 5th 2011 in sunny San Diego I will be running 26.4 miles. This is not something I have always wanted to do. No I am not a runner or in shape, but come June 5th I will be. 

I'm training with TNT- Team in Training. A little about TNT from their website:

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team In Training (TNT) is the world's leading sports charity training program. TNT's dynamic, hands-on training program enables participants to realize their dream of completing a marathonhalf marathontriathloncentury ride or hike adventure.
TNT participants get individualized training programs created by certified coaches; mentors to assist with fundraising; and the support from teammates who share their goals. To further ensure a great experience, TNT also provides great clinics on topics like gear, apparel, nutrition and injury prevention. TNT handles all the arrangements for the fabulous event weekend so you can focus on your race.
I am very excited about this journey ahead and can't wait to cross the finish line. I know this will be such and amazing experience and I am beyond excited to be a part of something such as TNT. 
I need to raise $2,900 for the marathon. 75% of this is donated to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team In Training and the other 25% will go toward my food, hotel and travel. If you have any questions or would like more information please feel free to e-mail me at reesa(dot)berger(@)gmail. Even if it's only $10 every little bit counts and can help. Feel Free to pass this along to anyone and everyone. Here is the link to my donation page if your feeling generous. Remember it can also be a tax write off. Every penny helps and is donated to a great cause. I'm going to try my best and raise more than my goal!
I will be trying to update as much as possible about my progress, pain, and suffering...I kid. Seriously though I will be trying to post as much as possible to keep anyone who wants to follow along updated on how this experience is. 
We started training bright and early this past Saturday at 7am. 4 miles was the goal for the day. Kelly (my friend who is running with me) and I ran 2 miles. Seeing as neither one of us are runners and work out maybe once a month we started with 2 miles. However we felt so excited after our first 2 miles at team practice that after we got some breakfast and some much needed supplies we ran the other 2 miles! I felt it yesterday and still feeling it today. My thighs my cavs all over. I know that once I get past this first month of training I will be less sore and the training will be more of a routine. 
Hope everyone is having a good Monday. Not looking forward to the cold weather later this week. BUUUURRRRR!

Thursday, January 27, 2011


I always find my thoughts and moods in songs. A couple of days...maybe weeks ago this song was being played over and over. I always tend to find songs that fit my mood and play them over and over till it changes. It's funny to me how someone I've never known can make me feel like they are singing directly to me. Make me feel as if they are sometimes inside my mind and helping me spill out my thoughts. I wonder if artists out there realize how much of an impact they really do have?

Oh look at how she listens 
She says nothing of what she thinks 
She just goes stumbling through her memories 
Staring out onto Grey St. 
And she thinks...hey 
How did I come to this 
I dreamed myself thousand times around the world 
But I can't get out of this place 
There's an emptiness inside her 
And she'd do anything to fill it in 
But all the colors mix together 
To grey, and it breaks her heart 
Oh how she wishes it was different 
She prays to God most every night 
And though she swears He doesn't listen 
There's still a hope in her He might 
She says I pray 
But they fall on deaf ears 
Am I supposed to take it on myself 
To get out of this place 
There's a loneliness inside her 
And she'd do anything to fill it in 
And though it's red blood bleeding from her now, 
It feels like cold blue ice in her heart 
When all the colors mix together 
To grey, and it breaks her heart 
There's a stranger speaks outside her door 
Says take what you can from your dreams 
Make them real as anything 
It will take the work out of the courage 
She says please 
There's a crazy man that's creeping outside my door 
I live on the corner of Grey Street 
And the end of the world 
Oh there's an emptiness insider her 
And she'd do anything to fill it in 
And though it's red blood bleeding from her now 
It's more like cold blue ice in her heart 
She feels like kicking out all the windows 
And setting fire to this life 
She could change everything about her 
Using colors bold and bright 
But all the colors mix together 
To grey 
And it breaks her heart...Oh and it breaks her heart 
To grey, Yeah...

Grey Street, By: Dave Matthews Band

Thursday, January 13, 2011

an elephant never forgets....

i would never in my life want to be a reality tv star. i would never want america to see my day to day life. i would however love to one day hire someone to just record my life. there are so many things that happen that i always forget...maybe i just have a horrible memory but i find myself digging through my small little brain for old one liners and funny comments i said or heard before.

im also one of those girls who never has a good come back till about an hour later. i would love to hit a rewind button and be able to say something, even though id probably forget by the time i rewinded.

in other words my memory SUCKS! i thought you weren't suppose to loose your mind for another 50 years or so? mines gone. i find myself forgetting the simplest things lately and its starting to worry me. pretty sure i might one day just forget i have a dog and leave him outside...poor cooper. i need someone to follow me around and record my life for my eyes only.

is this request too much to ask for? i dont see why it would be. i just need one guy and one camera. well and a lot of film.

Friday, January 7, 2011


I read on a frieds blog that she is focusing on one word a year. Each year, instead of compiling a long list of things you want to do to fix yourself and make your life better, just focus on one word. Any word. Not a word that you are not, but a word that you aspire to be. There's a slight difference.

My word this year is grace. I need it big time.

I need to learn to accept grace when I do something that I am ashamed of or act out in a way that makes me want to hide.

I need to learn to give others grace when they don't do things how I would or if they don't live up to my unrealistic expectations.

I need to learn to have grace in my relationship because there are two very imperfect people at work in there who both need a lot of forgiveness and patience.

I need to learn to allow grace in my daily life when things are out of order and not lined up just right for the uber-organized, Type-A control-freak who lives inside of me.

I need grace daily and I need to repeat this word daily, hourly, moment by moment.

Here we go 2011, I'll handle you with Grace.