Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Give a little..

I know that I don't KNOW most of you out there reading me. I haven't really made this blog public to friends and family. Most of them stumbled upon it accidentally and the only link I have to it is on twitter and I only have like 5 friends on there...lame I know.

Anyways your generosity is still greatly appreciated for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I agreed to raise $2,900 for my marathon. 75% is directly donated to the society, 25% is towards my race fees and food while I'm there. I'm having a harder time than I thought raising the funds. I'm guessing and hoping most people just put it off at the moment and will donate later. EVERY penny helps and will help save someones life! So I'm asking you, strangers who have a slight interest in a 20 somethings world, to please help me and donate. Pass the link on to family and friends. This money isn't for me, it's for people fighting to live.

I could've trained alone and paid my own race fee and still made it to the marathon. I CHOOSE to train with Team in Training because I would be doing something for more then just myself. So please help by donating or spreading the word to others. We are all just six degrees of separation and can all use a little help from someone unknown in our lives. Here is the link to my donation page: 

Also if anyone wants to send a check, please email me at reesa(dot)berger(at)gmail for the address.

Thank you for reading me! I still find it hard to believe anyone besides myself and my sister actually read this but it is much appreciated and can't wait to continue telling you about all of my life's adventures!

Best Wishes!


1 comment:

  1. I feel honored to be among your 5 twitter followers!
