Monday, March 14, 2011

Manic Mondays

Monday always comes too fast right? Or is it Sunday ends too early?

SXSW is here! If you don't know what SouthBySouthWest IS the craziest week in Austin. Music, film, interactive, people from all over come here for SXSW. Every hotel is booked, every restaurant has a wait, there are no parking spots downtown, BUT it is such an experience. I have never been able to experience SXSW to it's fullest since the past 4 years I have been bar-tending through out the festival but just being a local during the week is pretty cool. SXSW literally takes over the city for a full week. It really is a great week for this wonderful city!

In other news training is going good. Taking a break this week from running though. I'm still doing my cycle classes and such but no running due to some tight muscles that need a rest. Came at a great time though since I'll be busy by day at my job and busy by night helping out for SXSW. Poor Jeffy is working everyday this week for SXSW. And ladies and gents when you work SXSW your working 12 hour shifts with live bands constantly playing with maybe a minute break in between. 

In GREAT news one of my good friends Laurie finally moved back to Texas yesterday! She made the long 2 day drive from Atlanta back to her heart herein Texas. She got an amazing internship at The Boudoir Queen here in Austin. She is such a wonderful friend and just all around sweet person. She'll be bunking with us for the week till her new place is ready. That means 3 girls, 3 dogs, and 2 cats all under one roof. Oh my Goodness it's going to be a hectic week. 

The Bachelor season finale is tonight too. I must say it's a little weird watching this show when you actually know the guy. But I am excited to see who he picks, even though I already googled and found spoilers on realitysteve. I think both ladies are great choices for wives.

Anyways back to work then off to the gym for some bike riding today! Have a great week everyone and if your in Austin be nice to the out of towners please.


1 comment:

  1. oooh....I know some girls in my office that would love to talk to you about the Bachelor! LOL!!

    have fun this week cuz!
