These bright little things are my new running shoes for the marathon. If you didn't know you are suppose to get new running shoes every 200-300 miles? I was shocked when our coach told us it was time for a new pair already. Anyway they had their first run this weekend and I love them! They are the Adidas "Boston" and they also come in BRIGHT red. I also recommend getting fitted for running shoes. Trust me it sounds silly but it makes a HUGE difference.

This yummy treat was devoured by a group of women the other night. We had some girls over to celebrate our late friend Adam's birthday. We got a large cheese pizza and added our own toppings, such and easy/cheap way to do a joint dinner. After we finished we all wrote little notes to Adam and tied them to ballons and set them free. It was pretty neat to see. (Just remembered we put Jeff's e-mail ont he back to see if anyone actually got them...wonder if he got any strange emails)

I went home for Mothers day ANNNNND to see one of my favorite young ladies dance in her final spring show 2 weekends ago. After mom and I spent the day having lunch and running errands, she came home to a kitchen full of ballons and flowers from my dad. So sweet those two. High school sweet hearts and married 37 years now!

First day to test out the running shoes in the gym. Notice how clean and shinny my gyms locker room floor is. Love Lifetime Fitness. (No, I'm not that tan. I wish. Thank you Mystic. I do not want old wrinkled skin when I get older)

My favorite picture in my phone right now! Our new bed! We have yet to pick it up and actually pay for it, but that will happen this weekend and I couldn't be happier. Not only on sale but we get an additional 20% off. I have this place in my heart for canopy beds that won't go away. Maybe because I had one as a child?

You can't really read this but this is Jeff's letter saying he got approved to take the Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist exam. In normal talk that means he can take his trainer exam to become a certified personal trainer! So proud of him, he has been studying like crazy for this thing. He has until September to take it but I'm thinking He'll knock it out in the next few weeks. Love you Jeffy. So proud of you.

Last but not least. I made a yummy dinner last night that consisted of bacon wrapped pork loin and asparagus. So of course it was only natural to ruin a perfectly healthy meal with some frozen yogurt and lots of toppings. AND followed by popcorn at the movies. Oh well, I'm running 20 miles today so I figured I deserved it in advance!

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