Thursday, October 7, 2010

the prize in my cereal box...

i am a sucker for love stories. hopeless romantic at heart 100%. i always believed one day i would have my own fairytale to tell. then i realized you create your own fairytale in life. the way jeffy and i met and started dating is in no way a fairy tale. but looking back now i see what an amazing story we have created and how far we have come and grown together. being the hopeless romantic i am i could look back and tell you exactly when i knew i loved jeff and that he was the one for me...and i will in a minute. let's start from the beginning. 

jeffy and i were both working downtown in different bars but really met each other through a mutual friend. one of my bartenders was friends with him and we started going over to see jeff when we were on break. at the time i was in a long distance relationship and blindly in love with a cheating 30 year old. (don't get me wrong im thankful for that relationship now because it led me to jeff.) so i always thought jeff was a cute but never did anything to show it because i was dating someone, though jeff will tell you i used to call him my texas boyfriend (i do not remember this nor think it's true). anyways i went out one night with jen (my roommate then and now) and some girlfriends i think to meet up with some hockey players? i was fresh out of my break up with the 30 year old in jan of 08 and just looking for some good girl time. we happend to end up at jeffs bar. i had gone upstairs to say hi to him and we got to talking about me being single and such. jeff was up there with adam (who passed away in may of 09). and once jen came to find me, adam and jen realized they knew each other. This is the exact time the 4 of us all started hanging out and dating. after the boys got off work they met us girls at ihop. we all sat around ate some breakfast, flirted a little then started walking to our cars. this is when jeff first kissed me. yes you kissed me first get over it. ihop parking lot, romantic right? it is now though because thats our place and it's our own story. i remember telling bestest this and her response was "classy reese". 

After that night we began hanging out casually, neither one of us was looking for anything serious, we just hung out in groups of mutual friends and bartenders. jeff's older brother biggie was dating one of my friends joy and i remember joy telling me that at some point we were going to have to talk about where this was going. we hung out casually for about 4 months just having fun and getting to know one another. i dont think we ever hung out more then twice a week during that time. in may of 08 we hit a little bump in the road that really changed our relationship. we both kind of realized that feelings could get hurt and we were more involved then we had thought. from that point on we've pretty much been inseparable. over the next year we met each others families started hanging out more just the two of us and really just enjoyed each others company. carved pumpkins, went on adventures in austin and learned more about ourselves too.we also realized how completely different we are. it really is an opposites attract story for us. we had fights and we had great dates. 

then in may of 09 adam died. it was adams birthday and luckily jeff and i went out for an hour to see him and say hi. everything went downhill after that night. we both were dealing with it differently, me not dealing with it at all. jen and adam were still dating at the time and i was till living with jen which made things even harder. then 1 month later bestest (brandy yeoman) died. it sounds strange but this is when i realized i loved jeff. i spent a few days in ohio (where bestest passed away) then a week in houston dealing with funeral and so on. i remember sitting on the couch at bestest's moms house trying to get the obituary just right. jeff had texted me and sent him something back saying "i can't believe i lost my best friend. im writing her obituary right now, this isn't real" and all he said back was "she's still your best friend reesa". it was the most perfect thing anyone had said to me the past week. i knew then that i loved him. 

i had a rough time that summer. a lot of built up anger inside of me and i took a lot of it out on poor jeffy. i think a part of me had something against him because he never really knew bestest, she had moved to houston when we first started dating then to ohio. a part of me felt like he couldnt help me because he never knew her. they had met once or twice but that was it. then one night we had gotten into a big fight and were sitting at the park talking and fighting and said to me "what would brandy tell you about this right now if you asked for her advice" that just again was a perfect thing to say. it just showed me how he was thinking about her and my friendship and he knew i was missing my bestest friend. thats when i knew he was the one for me. 

i realized later on how much i was stressing him and how much he was just taking it because he knew i was going through a hard time. and we have communicated so well since then and really put effort into being the best for each other. i think fighting is healthy in a relationship, in small portions. these people who get married because everything perfect and you dont fight. well thats a load of crap. your both being fake and putting on fronts. We get in little arguments here and there but don't get into big fights anymore. we listen to each other and always apologize. we take time to just talk about things. i see A LOT of my dad in him, in fact they were talking this weekend about these shows my mother and i will watch for hour after hour and how they both hate them. They are both very driven men who will hold their pride till the day they die. They both made there way up in this world just by working hard. Maybe it's true, maybe daughters do want to marry guys like their father?

next step...cooper the dog. let me tell you something, get a dog before you marry someone. it really shows how much effort they are going to put into your family. jeff and cooper have been the funniest duo to watch ever. cooper just follows him around everywhere. and jeff bless his sole is trying to teach him every trick int he book. it really has painted a picture as to how great jeff is going to be with kids one day. 

we made it through some events that no 2 people have been through together. and were stronger then ever now! my family absolutely adores him, i know my bestest dose too, and he really is the prize in my cereal box. the most patient and kind human on earth. i could not imagine one day with out him in my life. 

did i fall in love with jeff at first sight? no. did i have my doubts these past 2 and 1/2 years? yes. do i love him with all my heart? yes. will we get married one day and start our own family together? with out a doubt. 

the thing i love most about us is that it just happened. we never rushed anything. so many people would make remarks about how weird it was that we wouldn't say i love you for the longest time or other things. but we did it at our own pace and created this fairytale story of two people who became friends first then fell in love. We sat outside on my porch the other night (wine for me beer for him) just talking and enjoying the fresh cool air. i'll find us laying on my living room floor just talking about the most random things. 

jeffrey scoot hazzard you are the love of my life!

p.s. sorry for all the punctuation and grammar errors. i just like typing as it comes and not worrying about that.

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