Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I got to thinking yesterday about mistakes, judgement, forgiveness, and such. I don't know what got me on this track but it became an off and on process through out the day. 

I'm 26 years old and I have made my fair share of mistakes. We all have. Those high school days where your life was so dramatic. Freshman year of college when you have all the freedom in the world. People make mistakes, do things that can't take back, losse friendships over boys, and disappoint their parents a time... or two. I think the most important thing is to learn from each mistake we make AND not to judge others for making mistakes. I'm guilty of the judging part. I forget that sometimes we need to learn things on our own and in our own time. I will admit I'm quick to judge and that's something I'm working on. I am, however, very good at seeing both sides of things. Which can be good and bad. I don't wish to change anything though. Yes I wish there are some things I never did or said, we all do. But I love the person I have become. I think all of the mistakes I made are what made me who I am today, and put me where I am today. I have an appreciation for life I don't think I would have without hitting a few, maybe lots, of bumps in the road.

I guess what I'm getting at is when are we at the age where we forget the high school mistakes and move on? If your over 25 and making the ame mistakes will you ever learn from them? How long dose it take to forgive someone who really hurt you? Do we ever grow out of the high school/ sorority drama? Gosh I hope so but I know lots of girls who just can't seem to shake that part of their life. Every time I would come home crying about some silly girlfriend drama my mom would always say it's just a phase.  It's not a phase though. It's who you choose to associate yourself with. If you surround yourself with people who are constantly having problems and creating drama, then you will always be contained by it. 
You are who you surround yourself with. 

But then I can argue, who am I to judge the way some people live their lives? I hate the way some people, I'm sure, viewed my life when I bar-tended. Some people look at stay at home moms and say it's not a real job...please for one second let me vent on that. Staying at home with your children is the MOST important job in the world. It is hard-work with hardly a moment of peace and quiet. My rule of thumb is until you have experienced a job or situation yourself, then you are not entitled to judge it. 

I know that in the past I have hurt friends, boys, my parents, and others. There is one incident I wish I could take back and change, I always have wanted to. I've accepted that I can't and made peace with my childish mistakes. You have to, or what kind of life would you lead? My mistakes are also all in the open now.  I have no secret past that I'm hiding, which makes it easier to forgive yourself for mistakes you've made. I know some old friends who have made mistakes that have remained secret, they think they are better then others because no one knows.  You're only cheating yourself. 

I know this post jumps form subject to subject. That's how it was in my mind yesterday. Sometimes I just find it therapeutic to out things in writing. 

I'm signing off. Gym and a double date tonight for Austin Restaurant Week

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